Contact Details
Email rmacklin@whlawyers.ca Phone 647.847.3822 Fax 416.599.7910 Office Toronto Assistant - Areas of Practice
Bar Admissions
- Osgoode Hall Law SchoolLL.B.1991
- University of ManitobaBComm.1986
- Recognized by the Law Society of Upper Canada
- Designation of Certified Specialist (Civil Litigation)
- Member of Advisory Committee - Cross-Over Youth Project (Ryerson University) 2015 - 2019
- Casa Loma Residents' AssociationVice President2015 - Present
- Ontario Bar Association and Advocates' Society
- Police Accountability and The CourtsThe Advocates' JournalSpring, 2021
- Law Society of Upper Canada v. Groia Round five: OttawaThe Advocates' JournalSummer, 2017
- Judicial Review of Coroners and Modern Administrative LawCanadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice
- Condominium Projects and Limitation PeriodsAugust, 2007
- Making The Choice Between Merger and Concurrency Rules in TortCanadian Bar Review2006
- Priority Disputes Amongst Insurers in Ontario: Reasonableness in an Imperfect WorldCanadian Journal of Insurance LawMarch, 2006
Richard was called to the Bar in 1993, and has extensive experience in a broad range of litigation cases including; contract, shareholders, real estate, condominium, employment, construction, defamation and other disputes. Richard has also developed considerable experience in government litigation including: coroner’s inquests, licencing, general administrative, Indigenous and constitutional law. In addition to extensive trial experience, Richard appears regularly in appeal courts and has acted on numerous landmark cases at the Supreme Court of Canada and Court of Appeal for Ontario. Richard graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School.
Richard’s awards and peer recognitions include:
- Being selected by his peers for inclusion in the 15th through 18th Editions of The Best Lawyers in Canada (2021-2024).
- Recognition by the Law Society of Ontario who, in September 2009, granted Richard the designation of Certified Specialist (Civil Litigation).
- Advocates’ Society: Skills Instructor and Member of Civil Remedies Act and Rules of Civil Procedure Task Forces.
- His appointment to the ground-breaking panel of lawyers that will serve as Presiding Inquest Officers at Coroner’s Inquests.
- Acting in an adjudicative role for over 10 years as a Vice-Chair of a Provincial Appeal Tribunal and acting as Independent Legal Counsel to various professional regulatory clients.
- His being an annual guest lecturer at Osgoode Hall Law School’s Upper Year Constitutional Litigation course taught by Hart Schwartz.
- Being a frequent writer and presenter on legal issues.
Richard’s current clients include “blue chip” real estate companies, public and private corporations, a Provincial Law Society and its insurer, and Indigenous Governing Agencies.
Richard’s volunteer pursuits include serving as an executive of his local Residents’ Association, volunteering for the Heart to Heart Leadership Program, and serving as an Advisory Board member on the influential Cross-Over Youth Project (Ryerson University) (2015-2020).
Recent Cases
- VPC Inc. v. Transcity Logistics Inc. (and others), (Unreported: July 20, 2023) (Ont.S.C.J.)
Whelton Hiutin LLP lawyers Richard Macklin, Wei Jiang, and articling students Arlene Campbell and Shae Lynn Chung were recently successful in setting aside Mareva and CPL orders obtained in a commercial dispute. The orders at issue were wide-reaching orders freezing bank accounts and preventing the sale of property. The Court found that the plaintiff VPC Group Inc. had failed to make fair disclosure when it initially obtained the orders without notice to the defendants. The Court noted “there has been far from full and fair material disclosure” and held that even if fair disclosure had been made, the orders would be lifted as VPC had failed to meet the requirements for obtaining such drastic orders. The parties agreed on costs, in favour of the Whelton Hiutin client, in the amount of $310,000.
- Arista Homes (Richmond Hill) Inc. v. Rahnama, 2022 ONCA 759
Richard Macklin and Wei Jiang successfully appealed a Superior Court Ruling in the case of Arista Homes (Richmond Hill) Inc. v. Rahnama, 2022 ONCA 759. This Court of Appeal Ruling dated November 7, 2022, addresses the law on damages for cases where a purchaser is at fault for a breach of a home purchase contract. As noted by the Court of Appeal (per Fairburn A.C.J.O., Doherty and Lauwers JJ.A.), the key figure for the damages calculation is the value of the home, according to what it is sold for on the date of resale to a subsequent purchaser (see paragraph 9 of the Ruling). Other Ontario damages law cases had suggested requiring different evidence (“expert” valuation), and a different date (the date the purchaser failed to close). In our case, the Appeal Court varied the Lower Court Ruling such that damages owed to our client will include a higher “loss of bargain” amount, plus the forfeited deposit, interest and other damages. The total award to our client will be roughly $500,000.
- Cherry Cola’s Rock N’ Rolla Inc. v. Choi, (Unreported: May 7, 2021) (Ont. S.C.J.)
Whelton Hiutin partner Richard Macklin and articling student Sukhdeep Gill , acted for a legendary Toronto Night Club and successfully enjoined the club's landlord from evicting it. The findings of Justice Chalmers are of Province-wide importance because they establish the wide-ranging protections available to commercial tenants in regard to the combination of the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy program (CERS) and Regulation 763/20, made under the Commercial Tenancies Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.L.7.
- Struthmann v. Struthmann, 2020 ONSC 759
Whelton Hiutin partner Richard Macklin, and articling student Adam Varro, acted for a client who successfully obtained an order allowing him to buy out his estranged wife and daughter and have their employment, officer positions and directorships terminated. Each side alleged oppressive conduct against the other, and the business was in a deadlock position. Each side sought a buy-out order, on oppression grounds, under the Ontario Business Corporations Act (the Act). Our client also sought a buy-out order under section 207 of the Act. The Court declined to weigh in on the oppression allegations but did grant the order our client sought under s. 207 of the Act. The order was granted based on our client having been the more important contributor to the business. Thus, the case is an important authority in regard to an applicant’s right to obtain a buy-out order, in a case of corporate deadlock, in the absence of establishing oppression, based solely on their having made a more significant contribution to the business.
- 7868073 Canada Ltd. et al. v. 1841978 Ontario Inc. et al., 2019 ONSC 1708
In this case, argued by Whelton Hiutin partner Richard Macklin and associate Lucinda Bendu, the main issue was: what nature and quality of assets will be sufficient to defeat the other side’s assertion that the plaintiff corporation has insufficient assets and therefore security for costs should be ordered. Many cases, including this case, involve small business plaintiffs with imperfect financial statements and earnings histories. However, Security for Costs Orders, especially in the $1,000,000 range, have dramatic tactical implications on the proceedings as a whole, in the defendant’s favour. Therefore, such orders should only be granted in circumstances where careful consideration of the available assets and other issues has been given. Justice Hainey of the Commercial List wrestled with these issues in 7868073 Canada Ltd. et al. v. 1841978 Ontario Inc. et al., 2019 ONSC 1708. His Honour dismissed the motion for $1.0 million in security for costs and also ordered $43,000 in costs, in our client’s favour, in a later unreported endorsement.