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No one enters a business relationship looking for a fight. But they happen. When you have to fight, Whelton Hiutin can help you finish it successfully.

As a focused litigation boutique, Whelton Hiutin’s lawyers know how to handle all forms of civil and commercial litigation: from minor real estate disputes to “bet the company” litigation. Every file is different, but we know each file is critically important to our clients. We know that litigation can be frustrating and stressful, so we aim to resolve your dispute by tailoring our services. We apply our expertise and experience to your specific situation to recommend the route and strategy to the best outcome: some disputes can and should be resolved at an early stage, while others simply require a trial.

Whelton Hiutin is a small, focused law firm (known as a “boutique”). Our clients benefit from the advantages that come with our boutique structure:

  • We are lean, focused and experts in dispute resolution;
  • Our lawyers have all cut their teeth in the trenches of the court system, arguing and running files both independently and in teams depending on the file: we did not spend our junior years writing memos and doing research;
  • Clients appreciate that we do not overstaff or understaff files, and we are able to provide attentive and personalised service on every file;
  • Recent developments in document management technology provide a further advantage to litigation boutiques, leveling the playing field between large and small firms on document-heavy files;
  • We do not need to recover the overhead costs of large law firms.

We pride ourselves on being classic barristers. This means we are comfortable in court or any other forum where disputes get resolved including administrative tribunals or private arbitration. You can call us litigators, barristers, trial lawyers or advocates, but fundamentally we solve your problems, either in the courtroom, before an arbitrator, or by mediation or negotiation.